Christina's Project Statement: In the multimedia process-based series of work I call Mama Data, I sketch, paint, prototype, and iterate artwork based on data I collected in 2020 during my first year as a parent. The raw data illustrates the mundanity of this phase of parenting - sleep, nursing, bottle, sleep, nursing, bottle - while the multimedia artwork including this video shows the frustration, exhaustion, highs, lows, love and humor that are part of raising a baby.
About this work: This video work shows my first experimentations with Loom, a tool that I use in my website project management work, to analyze my data and provide a method for viewers to digitally interact with this presentation as performance. This presentation is more structured and formal.
Mom Report (Mama Data Analysis 01)
Click on the thumbnail image to watch this video on Loom in a
new tab/window. Feel free to react with emojis and comment!
Project Manager Parent Report (Mama Data Analysis 02)
Click on the thumbnail image to watch this video on Loom in a
new tab/window. Feel free to react with emojis and comment!
Christina's Artist Statement: I use a Sharpie when I draw because it forces me to embrace the imperfections in my drawings. I like to show the figuring-it-out-as-I-go including accidents and mistakes. Similarly, in my multi-media work, I sketch, build, and repeat—making multiple versions of physical and digital art objects. This process reflects the software development lifecycle in the technology industry. Like a scientist or engineer, I experiment with different concepts and media, I iterate and update. Each physical and digital object in Extensions and Mama Data starts with a set of personal data such as my heartbeat or my nursing schedule. By archiving my digital data which is often used for corporate profit, I am taking back control of my data and digital body. I’m the parent of one child, and I work as an experienced digital producer and consultant in my “day job.” This non-art work directly influences my art practice and eventually turns into artwork too.