Into The Depths of The Nucleus of The Infernal Being
Project Statement: One night I had a dream where I was being lifted up over a volcano by a giant creature. As I was being lifted I heard the chanting of people rhythmically saying “Vulcan”. The creature was dripping with hot lava creating islands below. It felt like a creation story of some sort. When I woke up I looked up what Vulcan meant. “Vulcan is a pumice cone in Papua New Guinea” is what I found. The dreamworld always finds a way to mystify even if it is an extension of our subconscious.
Embodying Process of The Vulcan
The Limbs That Created The Earth
It Enters The Material World With I as It's Vessel
Vulcan Incarnate
Artist Statement: Since I can remember I would be daydreaming or playing pretend with myself creating scenarios that I could never do in real life. I constantly would be frustrated by reality and wished things weren't so binary and set in stone like math and physics even though I am interested in them. I feel the most comfortable with a mold-able object in my hands and often make things in a more subconscious matter. Daydreaming and free association help me make art, while I draw inspiration from fantasy in general. I would say most of my art is done with a small amount of actual planning and mostly evolving the piece until it reaches its final evolution. I feel this process is a raw interpretation of what you picture when you try to imagine something in your mind. It is always changing and not completely perfect. To me this gives something a magical life of its own as something living in your thoughts. I try and replicate some of the things I imagine into my art and give them backstories or a certain demeanor to make them feel more “real”. I think using foam clay as my main medium really helps make my art seem more over the top and fantastical.